Local Produce


Sometimes it’s difficult for visitors to Greece to choose what to buy when they can’t taste something first.  It might also be difficult to find small enough quantities of some products.


Everybody’s tastes are different but we have our own favourites and we are happy to offer our guests a chance to first taste and then to buy from us whatever quantity they want at the prices that we pay.


Dry White Wines


We very much enjoy white wine from two local wineries and we buy them in boxes where they keep fresh.  Both are made from Greek grape varieties, both are very clean with hardly any chemicals, and both cost just 2.50 Euros a litre.  They have very different flavours.


The Anastasia Fragou winery in Rafina produces white wine from Savatiano grapes.  The white wine from the Marathonia Yi winery in Marathon is made from a mix of Malagouzia and Asyrtiko grapes.


We also enjoy and buy boxes of a white wine with yet another very different flavour.  It’s produced in central Greece from Muscat grapes.  It’s unusual to find dry Muscat wines because those grapes are usually used to produce sweet dessert wines.  We know less about its production but it also seems to be very clean and it also costs just 2.50 Euros a litre.


That’s three different flavours to choose from - or to reject!


Dry Red Wine


The Denezis winery is in Nemea, a region near Corinth that produces some of the best red wine in Greece.  We buy very nice red wine made from a richly flavoured Greek grape variety Agioryitiko (Saint George). Again it costs just 2.50 Euros a litre.


Olive oil


It’s not easy to find small bottles of olive oil that would be enough for a holiday and flavours can vary a lot.  We can recommend an extra virgin oil that’s produced using the koroneiki variety of olives from the southern Peloponnese.  Our guests are welcome to buy from us as much as they like at 12.50 Euros a litre.




We buy honey that’s made in the pine forests on the mountains near Delphi.  It’s a lovely colour and consistency, it’s not too sweet, and it costs just 7 Euros a kilo.


Please just ask us if you would like to taste any of these products.

If they’re not to your taste then there’s nothing lost!